How to Bathe a 3 Month Old Baby

How to Bathe Your Newborn Baby


Medically Reviewed by Gina Posner, M.D., F.A.A.P.

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on November 2, 2021

The first few times you give your baby a bath can be a bit tricky, but soon you'll be a pro. Here's a complete how-to guide on your baby's first bath and how to bathe your newborn.

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Your baby's first bath is an exciting milestone, but handling a tiny slippery-when-wet body in water can be a little nerve-wracking. Still, giving your newborn baby that first bath is actually a joy — and in the early days and weeks, you don't really dunk your infant into much water at all (phew!).

For some newborn bath pointers, as well as how often you should bathe your baby and the benefits you'll both reap when you suds her up, read on.

When should baby's first bath be and when should you bathe your newborn?

Wondering what's a good time to give your newborn a bath and when baby's first bath should be? The scheduling of this event is entirely up to you as long as you pick a moment when you won't be interrupted or tempted to hurry through the bath. You should probably plan for baby's first bath within a week after birth. Just avoid bathing your newborn right after a feeding (it's best to let her food settle a bit first) or when she's overtired.

Babies tend to be more alert in the morning, which is appealing to some, though others may slate it in the early evening as part of her goodnight activities. When it's time to wind down, make her bathtime part of a relaxing bedtime routine that also includes a final bottle or nursing session, a book and a little song.

Keep in mind, however, that newborns don't need a lot of washing (two or three times a week at most is fine) and at first, you'll just be giving her a quick a sponge bath until her umbilical cord stump falls off, which usually happens about one to three weeks after birth.

How often should you bathe your newborn?

Until a baby starts getting down and dirty on the ground, a daily bath isn't needed (babies aren't mobile, so they can't really pick up a lot of dirt). Your baby only needs a bath two or three times a week and in fact too much bathing can dry out your infant's delicate skin. Newborns should only have sponge baths until their umbilical cords dry up and fall off.

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If your baby's umbilical cord stump is still intact or if a circumcised newborn's penis hasn't healed, avoid tub baths altogether and just use your hands or a baby washcloth for cleanups. When your baby is ready to give it a go, find a flat surface — bathroom or kitchen counter, bed, even the floor — and keep washing up with the sponge gently and briefly until she gets used to it.

When you're ready to graduate from a sponge bath, move the fun to a baby bathtub and eventually the big tub when your baby can sit up on her own and outgrows the infant tub. There's nothing cuter than seeing a baby splashing in the bath, soapy suds dotting those chubby folds and dimples — but always keep safety in mind. Never leave your baby alone in the bath water — even for a second.

What's a good baby bath temperature?

Your baby's bath water should be comfortably warm, never hot, when you dip your wrist or elbow into it for a temperature check. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that the hottest temperature at the faucet should be no more than 120 Fahrenheit to avoid scalding your baby.

How to bathe a newborn

Once you've picked a place and time to give your newborn her baths, read over this list of tips that'll make the whole process a little easier and safer:

  • Establish a routine. Your baby's bathtime routine will help set her body clock, especially if you do it in the evening ("Mommy or Daddy is giving me a bath — that means it's almost time for bed"). Reinforce the sleepy-time message by dimming the lights and keeping the noise and activity down after the bath is over. Of course, it's fine if another time of day works better for you and your baby.
  • Check her mood. You should, however, postpone the bath if your baby is hungry, grumpy or has an upset tummy — that wouldn't be good for anyone involved.
  • Gather your supplies. Have everything on hand since you can never leave your baby in the bath (and it's no fun searching for what you need with a wet, naked infant in tow). The essentials include baby soap and shampoo, cotton washcloths, cotton balls, a plush towel or two, and a plastic basin. You may also want a new diaper, a set of clean clothes and diaper ointment or cream for after the bath.
  • Document the event. Want to remember these wet and wild early days? Have your partner, a friend or a relative ready with the camera, especially if it's baby's very first bath.
  • Keep it toasty. Babies lose body heat very quickly — especially when they're naked — so make sure the bathing room is warm enough, aiming for a room temperature of about 75 to 80 degrees. (A bathroom can be quickly warmed up with shower steam if necessary.) You can put a warm washcloth on your baby's exposed parts like her tummy to keep her from getting cold. Whether you're using an infant tub or a sink, fill it first with just enough water to cover the bottom of her body, about 2 inches of water. Never put a baby in the tub while the water is still running. The water temperature should be warm (not hot), so test it with your elbow or the inside of your wrist, since those areas are more sensitive than your fingertips. Turn the cold water on first and turn it off last to avoid burning your child.
  • Get a grip. Gently slide your baby into the tub, feet first, holding her securely with one of your arms under her head (use your hand to grasp her underarm farthest away from you) and the other supporting her bottom. She may be as slippery as a fish, but you'll soon get the hang of how to hang on to her. Once she's in, avoid letting her sit for too long in water — it can irritate baby's skin, plus she might get chilly.
  • Soap up sparingly. Yup, you do use soap for a newborn sponge bath, but pick a mild one and focus on her hands and diaper area when you're bathing. You can just use water on the rest of her body most days, unless she's really dirty.
  • Focus on the face first.Dip a corner of a washcloth or cotton ball in the warm water, and gently wipe one eye from the inner corner outward and then use a different corner or a clean cotton ball for the other eye. Wet the washcloth entirely and wash her face (a bit of soap is fine here), especially around the mouth and under the chin where milk and drool can pool, and inside and behind her ears. (Never use a cotton swab to clean inside your baby's ears.)
  • Wash your baby's body. Dip the washcloth in warm water and wash your little one's neck and torso. Maneuver carefully around the umbilical cord if there's still a stump; it's okay to gently wipe away any crustiness around it. Next, clean under her arms and between her fingers. Be sure to get into those little creases and skin folds.
  • Go easy on private parts. Use a soft, clean cloth, gentle soap, and lukewarm water to clean your baby's genitals. Have a girl? Wash the area from front to back, and don't forget to gently wipe between skin folds. If you have a baby boy who's been circumcised, wipe his penis clean; if your baby boy is uncircumcised, no need to pull back his foreskin. Next up: that tiny little bottom (use a little soap).
  • Use a tear-free baby shampoo. If, of course, she has any hair. If she doesn't, wipe her head with a washcloth. Using water and a tiny bit of shampoo, lather your baby's scalp. Massage it with the pads of your fingers, including the area over the fontanelles (soft spots) on the top of the head. Don't worry — you won't poke through — just be gentle and it'll be fine. If your baby develops cradle cap, talk to your pediatrician, who may recommend rubbing a little mineral oil on baby's head before bathtime (to help lift the crusts and loosen any scales) and then gently wiping it off with a soft washcloth.
  • Don't force it. If your baby absolutely hates being bathed in the tub, go back to sponge baths for a few days, then try again. She'll get the hang of it eventually.
  • Stay safe. Never leave a baby alone in or near the tub, and always keep at least one hand on her body at all times. If you've forgotten something, you'll need to take your baby with you to get it or ask your partner, sitter or family member to deliver whatever you're missing.

How to dry a newborn after a bath

Here's how to wrap up your baby's bath, including a bit about rinsing, drying and using lotion:

  • Rinse well. Use clean, warm water for that final rinse cycle, holding your little one football-style, with the back of his head cradled in one hand, his body draped along your arm, and his head over the basin. Fill the cup with water and gently pour it over your baby's head and then the body parts.
  • Dry her gently. Next up, pat (don't rub) your baby's skin with a soft dry towel. Be sure to thoroughly dry her bottom and any other areas where there are folds of skin. Chubby babies have lots of those!
  • Go easy on the baby lotion. That beautiful and ultra-sensitive skin doesn't need much, if any, in the way of lotions, oils or creams, though a little baby-safe lotion is okay. But avoid baby powders, which can irritate an infant's breathing passages. If your practitioner recommends it (i.e. your baby has dry or eczema-prone skin), massage a hypoallergenic lotion into her skin after warming it in your palms.
  • Diaper and dress. Slip on a fresh diaper and dress your baby in some clean clothes. If she needs a little soothing after the sponge bath, swaddle her up in a blanket, then get settled in for a snuggle with your clean, sweet-smelling baby.

First Bath In 3 Words

Why is it important to bathe a newborn baby?

The benefits of bathtime go way beyond a basic cleanup! Here's why baths are good for babies:

  • They boost bonding. Bathtime quickly becomes a highlight of the day because it's all about time spent together. Taking care of your baby lets her know you care, so gaze into her eyes, kiss that yummy baby belly, count those tiny toes and sing silly songs as you wash. Feeling your gentle touch and hearing your voice will let your little one know how much she's loved.

  • There's so much learning.Yup, there's plenty to learn in the tub. Tickle your little one's senses by trickling water gently onto her tummy or teach a lesson in cause-and-effect by showing how to kick the water and create a splash. And don't forget a play-by-play as you wash — name her little body parts as you bathe — and she'll be learning a tub-full of words!

  • They can be soothing.You probably already know this from your own bathing experience, but nothing's more calming and comforting than a soak in a tub after a long day. Up the relaxation even more by trying your hand at infant massage afterwards. While most little ones love it, if your baby balks (she fusses or turns her head), don't sweat it — just cuddle instead.

  • They may induce sleep. There's even more reason to love bathing your baby, especially if you add it to her bedtime routine. The warm water, warm room and warm feeling of being safe, secure and loved work magic and will put your baby in the mood to snooze.

Bathtime is fun time for babies and their new parents! If yours seems less than thrilled, make the event short and sweet. Soon enough, your baby will squeal with delight when you turn on the tap.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author ofWhat to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Expect the First Year, 3rd edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  •, Benefits of Infant Massage, December 2020.
  •, How to Establish a Bedtime Routine for Your Baby, May 2020.
  •, Bathing With Your Baby, June 2021.
  •, Best Baby Bathtubs, June 2021.
  •, Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis) in Babies, December 2020.
  •, Skin Rashes in Babies and Toddlers, June 2020.
  •, When Your Baby's Umbilical Cord Will Fall Off and What to Do, July 2021.
  •, What to Know About Newborn Circumcision, August 2021.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Bathing Your Baby, March 2020.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Infant Water Safety: Protect Your New Baby from Drowning, November 2019.
  • Mayo Clinic, Baby Bath Basics: A Parent's Guide, September 2019.

How to Bathe a 3 Month Old Baby


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